Shaan Rais
3 min readFeb 9, 2021

In the helping sciences, ethics are a pretty big deal. Ethics play the deciding factor as to whether or not you are using best practices, or practices that can harm both the practitioner and the client. It is a set of guidelines to help one structure their practice that keeps them and their respective clients in a safe place. There can be no long-lasting, existing practice without adherence to the ethical guidelines.

Briefly describe how BCC ethics guidelines can be applied in identifying and handling an ethical issue. Be specific.

The BCC ethics guidelines can be applied in identifying and handling an ethical issue in the instance that there is a client that sparked an attraction within that coach. The coach thought that the feelings were reciprocated, but under the ethical guidelines of the BCC, the coach stood their ethical ground. The coach continues to go through the coaching relationship with the client until their goals are met, and they choose to terminate the relationship.

Fast forward two years and three months, and the coach are in a supermarket, and the client spots him and taps him on the arm. “Hey Coach, how’s it going?” The coach is surprised to see the client, and when he inquires as to how she is doing, the client expresses that she is doing very well, but she wishes that she would have continued with the coaching. She…



Shaan Rais

Leadership Development Expert and Industrial and Organizational Psychologist, Shaan Rais is a Speaker, and Executive Coach in Evidence – Based Coaching